Now excuse me but I will now be indulging myself with the speech. If you have better things to do better not read the following, for the braver bunch who likes to head on to unchartered territories, bow down before the greatness of The Buffering God and prepare yourself for the Great God of Awesomeness speaks:
*First, I would like to thank the almighty God, Our Father who made all of these possible!!! I loves you!!!
My greatest gratitude goes to the people I owe everything to, my parents, family and relatives, who thought I wouldn't amount to anything much but still gave me their support for all the crazy stunts I pulled over the years! Who's crazy in the head now, huh?! I have the award you guys don't!!! (insert Evil Laugh here)
Thank you to my college professor, Mr. Kurtading, you are the worst teacher a student could ever have. This might be a good time for me to say, I hated you and I should've passed Fundamentals of Broadcasting if you haven't “overlooked” the .2 shit. Now, I got an award and you don't, bwehehahahaaha!!!!
A big thanks to my short-but sweet stint at ABS-CBN, home of favoritism, nepotism and back-stabbing chisms. An arrogant fresh-from-college girl got humbled profoundly, learned to NOT set foot at that cursed hell-hole ever again and got an award for it, cuuuuntttsss!!!!
To the bestest company in the whole wide world... of the Ortigas area and the insanely wonderful people behind it, thank you, thank you! Kiss my award and be in awe of my Greatness and shit!!!
To my adoring public who loves me very plenty, I am profoundly honored for allowing me to keep you sick fucks entertained and it makes my cold black heart sing hallelujah to the highest level at the mere thought that your pc's gets stuck in suspended animation whenever you attempt to scope out my blog. Four words: Get Faster Internet Connection.
This award is especially dedicated to the enemies I made over the years, you guys are the source of inspiration behind my lovely little blog. You are my amusement, my reason for living and the reason why you make my uncombed hair, worn-out sneakers, ratty band shirts and even rattier jacket look gooood. Keep messing your lives up so you can continue on entertaining the rest of us, yeah? I heart you guys and gays! Chocolate Kisses! I won! I won!!! I fucking won, fuckers!!!
As you can see, it's obvious that I didn't lie about the whole Never-Won-A-Thing-Boo-Hoo-shit. Thanks to Ayan! Oo nga pala, my pahabol na personal note to you about this:
Buffering Blog Award
- ewan ko kung dsl ko or yung pc ko mabagal or si Eddie Vedder ang nagpabagal magload sa blogsite mo
- a friendly advice : bawasan mo na lang mga kanta sa playlist si Vedder lang naririnig lage (except sa mahahabang posts) at wag mo autoplay
- hopefully kablag trophy soon
* I dunno about the Eddie Vedder thing, I mean he's so freakishly sexy I could not possibly help myself for devoting my time plastering his songs all over my blog but the auto-play thing is taken care of... for now :I*
To the rest of the winners go and celebrate! To the losers, bitter este... better luck next year! If it's any consolation, I'm letting you guys touch my cert for 5 minutes but you have to pay me 10 pesoses.
Hey , cut me some slack, I got mouths to feed.