I was off to Hannah's place Monday night to attend their biz' blessing of sorts. Because Paeng and I were so not looking forward on chit-chatting with people we do not know, we ended up going a bit later than promised. Initially, I only wanted to stay for an hour but a few other friends came and we ended up staying at ungodly hours talking about stuff ranging from matters of the heart to ghosts.
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While I'm not the type who gets easily scared off of supernatural occurrences (I did experienced a couple of strange shit, so there) but I absolutely hate it when we had to talk about such things at 3 AM. Seriously, who talk about ghosts and demons at 3 in the fucking morning?
So yes, I have to admit, I was quietly having a nervous breakdown. But well, it's all good. We left at around 5 in the morning and I somehow ended up having breakfast with Kapre. We met up with Chairman a few minutes later and that's how a seemingly-endless night (and morning) ended.
Domestic Issues: You May Stop Reading If You WishI was right though, my sister was having a nervous breakdown of her own.The story is, she thought I was just gonna stick around the event for an hour but well, one thing led to another. I'm partly at fault because I made the mistake of telling her precisely what time I think I would be coming home and she took my word for it. However, when it seemed likely that I was to come home late, I left her a couple of messages, telling her all about it so she won't be worried.
Unfortunately, she left her mobile phone in her office and waited for me to come home and stuff. Naturally, she got more and more paranoid and had to find ways to contact me. She got in touch with a cousin who called me that night and I told her to tell my sister I will be coming home later than expected and that I'm in the company of friends so she has nothing to be worried about.
The clincher was, though she got my cousin to talk to me, she, for some reason, didn't tell my sister that what we talked about. So in the end, my sister didn't get any of my messages until I showed up around 6:30 in the morning. Blew her top. Totally.
Now, I know she's concerned and stuff but I think I totally did what was expected to be done if one cannot make it to home at the exact time promised.
It just annoys me because I'm a worry wart as well but she is getting ridiculous at times. It's funny because she knew the people I was with and though certain stuff went against our favor, I left her a couple of message telling her about the possibility of coming home late so I cannot see why she would get so freakin' mad when clearly, the situation was beyond our control. So now she is demanding that I give her all the numbers of my friends.
The fact is, if we swapped places, I wouldn't even be half as crazy as she was being. There were a couple of times where she went home late herself and she didn't tell me anything nor did she took the liberty to send me a message and each time I managed to be good-humored about it.
Next time I go out, I would just leave a note saying Time of Arrival: Indefinite para walang usapan. Hay. To "consider" my sister's feelings, I plan to not stay out too late from now on. Just so she could ease up on the paranoia. God, it feels like I never moved out of my parents' home at all.
On a totally unrelated note, aimed at no one in particular, something is amiss and I can't quite put my finger on it. Something's telling me things are not the way it used to be and I'm hoping I'm wrong.