Anyways, this guy strikes me as a very odd person. For one thing, he kept asking for my approval. He loves senti music and when he found out I don't like 'em he gave me a run down of all the rock bands that he likes because he doesn't want me to think he's baduy. Meh. He kept asking me hypothetical questions about love, feelings and those weird business and naturally, I have no fucking clue what the hell he's talking about. He promised he'd bake me brownies. He would jump to my defense and was all indignant and shit when I told him my friends thinks I'm a demanding and difficult person to get along with. The last bit, I found amusing. He tries really, really hard to impress me which is useless because I don't see the point why men feels inclined to impress me much more ask for my damn approval. Its insane.
He's like this huge puppy who'd go "Talk to me! Confide in me! Tell me your secrets!" which would've been fine except we're not really friends and I find it hard to talk to him about those biz, y'know? I should expect nothing less considering he never bated an eyelash when he told me about the sordid details with his girlfriend. You'd think I begged him to tell me all about about it the way he kept going on and on with how much he think his girl friend sucks. To be fair, his girlfriend do suck... like, a lot but that's not the point.
He thinks I'm a good person. No, I mean it, he totally convinced himself I'm a genuinely good person. He told me "You know, I don't think you're as bad as your friends thinks.You're just misunderstood." Yes, like I need to know how much I reek of awesomeness, right? Of course I'm not a bad person otherwise I would've been locked up in the slammer or in an asylum and shit a long time ago. He said I'm pretty too, like I don't already know. Wehehehehe. Okay, he's probably nursing a little crush on me. His friends says so. He remembered the shirt I wore the first time he saw me. And that was a year ago. Initially, that gave me the creeps but now that I thought about it, I guess some people just have a freakishly good memory. Or something.
I told my friends I've been flirting with someone but truth be told, I wasn't. Not because I suck at flirting (which I do) but because I thought it was a funny joke. Fact is, he bores me. Sometimes I want to talk to him but as soon as our conversation progresses, I get bored. I think its because he doesn't move me. Which sucksass. Oh well, nobody's perfect.
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