However it was a fun day and Waki being here in the metro for a couple of days not only broke an otherwise monotonous week but also motivated me to stop stressing over unnecessary things.
So it’s 14 days before Christmas and I’m already in the mood for a nice, long vacation! Honestly, it’s all I think about…. Well, that and my annual Christmas Shopping! I just can’t wait for a change of scenery because seriously I want a break from working and I’m in dire need for some Me-Time!
Another thing is that I have become so addicted on hunting useful applications for my E71 and I just can’t freakin’ stop. It came to a point where the pc I was using got infected with a virus and I wasn’t able to use it for a couple of days. I’m assuming it was my fault because the machine was working fine until I checked out some sites. Anyways, I’m feeling generous today so I’m sharing some of the great apps/sites I found
FYI: Apps are new to me since this is the first time I got my filthy hands on a smart phone. WAG NYO AKONG TAWANAN MGA ANAK NI SATANAS!!!!!
WordMobi- For Wordpress Bloggers
Fring- It’s a FREE multi-IM platform, great for people who are addicted to instant messaging. Supports Yahoo messenger, ICQ, MSN, Google Talk and even Twitter.
WEfi- it turns yer phone into an instant WI-FI hot spot (whatever that means). Basically, it enables your mobile phone to automatically find and utilize the best or strongest wi-fi connection. It’s awesome and it’s free!
MobiTubia- a free FLV player application that also functions as a great portal to everyone’s favorite tube site, YouTube.
Joiku Spot Light- the site says: JoikuSpot is FREE and SECURE Mobile HotSpot solution that turns Nokia phones to a WLAN HotSpot. When switched on, laptops and iPods can establish instant, secure and fast WLAN connection via smartphone’s JoikuSpot HotSpot using phone’s own 3G internet connection.
Google Maps
Astig no? So these apps are awesome, free and (hopefully) works on most smart phones!
For Games, Themes, Apps check visit these sites:
Nokia Beta Labs
Mosh Nokia
Brother Soft
MMC Forum (all themes and you gotta register worth it cuz most of the themes ain’t corrupted unlike…)
Gallery Mobile9
Symbian Themes
Mobi Creed
Daily Mobile Themes
Symbian Corner
Nokia Addict
Yeah,you’re welcome
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