Friday, May 30, 2008

Of Koreans, Porno Land and The Ex-Bestfriend

Well, I survived two weeks here in my new company and things are surprisingly great. Not that I expected it to suck or anything. I get to finish work in two hours and spend the rest of my shift watching Coffee Prince, hahaha! My God, I got totally sucked into this Koreanovella, its fantastic!

Though I'd rather not waste bandwidth talking about the plot, I will do this instead:

Behold the heavenly body known as Gong Yoo. My God... I just can't stop the tears T_T

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Humor Blogger For May 2008

Badoodles, if you're reading this I wanna say thank you :D See, you just made my day.

Well my defunct blogsite over at BlogSpot just scored the title Humor Blogger for May 2008. Wow, Who fucken knew? Tenk U beri meyni! This made me forget even for a little while how much Worpress sucks because I couldn't embed videos as a post. Why this happens, I've got no fucking clue.

Douchebagerry at its finest: Bill O'Reilly

This is just priceless! Watch Bill throw a tantrum like a goddamned five year old!

Say Cheese!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Virtual Rehab

Despite lingering doubts and conflicting emotions, I left Porno Land as scheduled. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not regretting anything at this point, what I'm saying was it has been fun. I was expecting my last day to be somewhat uneventful but for some weird reason (maybe saying Good-Bye ain't really my strongest suit) it wasn't.

The Big Man was parading around Porno Land with a white girl who turns out to be the new Queen of Sales, she's actually pretty nice to me. Except the Big Man pointed out to white girl that I'm about to sever my connections with the smut factory. I was a bit taken aback by that incident though I didn't think much about it after.

I celebrated my last day by handing out pizza slices for the Edule folks as well as from office friends, which made me a little sad but that's what Good-Byes are all about anyway. After I handed out the grub, me and Tin went out for a little smoke. Turns out, Porno Land people prepared a little program to welcome white girl into the hood and I was curious enough to observe the festivities.

Big Mistake.

The host (which is a friend of mine) and I locked orbs and next thing I knew, he was announcing to the Porno Folks that "Somebody is bound to leave us soon, give it up for Tina!" Naturally, out of dismay, I cowered in the corner. I guess I wanted a more subtle exit but apparently, it was too much to ask, haha!

After the whole shebang, I went out to meet the Band of Bitches and they wolfed down what was left of the pizza while I dreamed of the simple country life.

You see, I was raring to take a little break and head out North before I work my fingers to the bone once again. I imposed a no internet unless it's a matter of life and death and monies policy and I've never been more excited.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Robert is Iron Man

I suck at movie revs and I don't plan to start now but I just wanna say: Iron Man blew me the fuck away.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

25 Years in the Making

I've been meaning to write shitload of brain farts but lately, neither time nor energy permits me to do so that's why most of the good stuff I wanted to write down are gone from memory. Now, I've always wanted to write about the things I learned in my 25 years here on Mother Earth. I was supposed to post something about it on my birthday in my old blog but I decided against it since these things takes a lot of time.I know I'm not in any position to take the Holier-Than-Thou route but I figured, hell, I've been here long enough, I'm pretty sure there were some things I learned along the way, right? Roooyt.

So here we go...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Lapse of Judgement

Initially, when I hatched the plan to stop posting retarded contents on my old blog and start afresh with a new one, I resolved that this blog site would be everything my old one wasn't. For one thing, I was dismayed to find myself writing for an audience (which admittedly, was my fault.), I was surprised when I found out folks from Porno Land began reading my blog on a daily basis and I came to a point where I was abstaining to write anything when I'm depressed because I don't want to reveal too much of myself (which I do most of the time when I'm depressed) for public consumption. That in turn, defeats the purpose of my blog in the first place.

My old blog has become what in layman's term would be called a "damned circus" and I hated it.

In an effort to control the people who can read my blog, I went on and bought a new domain, kept it as a secret even with my friends. It was a hard decision because I loved my old site like an old friend and I wouldn't say I'm funny but I do love to laugh often and I still got lots of retarded banters in can but I felt that I should put a stop on all of these mainly because I'm tired of it all.

But I came to find out that keeping this site a secret proved to be a hell lot more difficult that I anticipated. Who knew.

For starters, In my excitement, I blurted out the domain name of this blog to three of my friends. Though I don't mind if they found out about my new site, I still wanted to keep this one as personal as possible because 1) I planned to inject a lot of honesty on this blog and I want to keep it pure 2) obviously, this will serve as the place where prospective clients can check out my other work and most includes sensitive issues like boobs and the likes. Something others might not be comfortable reading about and 3) I'm tired of being somebody else's monkey and 4) I hate having to explain myself

Trouble started with what I first thought to be a minor mistake, track backs. Somebody from the office noticed a new track back on his blog site's comment section that leads to this site instead of my old site. How that happened, I have no clue as I'm mostly oblivious of such things. Of course, I was both dismayed and mortified when he told me about it. The funny part was that this site was barely a week old when he discovered its existence. Thank God he was cool enough not to let the cat out of the bag to which I'm very much grateful.

But the trouble doesn't end there.

As most of my friends know, my old site was in the running for a certain contest. I was flattered, of course as I never expected my site to be nominated at all. But the thing was, the old comments I posted created another batch of track backs and the guy who instigated the whole contest not only found out about this site, he also asked me on the comment section about it and posted my new site's name for everyone to read! Imagine my dismay and mortification when I saw my supposedly "secret playground" spelled out in plain sight. Meh.

So why am I writing all of these shit in the first place? I'm writing all of this shit because now that I am aware that I've been found out and it's out of my hands, lemme just say that regrettably, this isn't and will never be The Mundane Side of The Road. Sure, I'd still post funny stuff because I do love posting retarded shit in the first place and I do it every chance I get but the similarity ends there. Sorry.

So yeah, bite me.