Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Christmas Bombshell Makes Belts Go Tighter

So Monday lazily went by but not without dropping a bombshell that left a hugeass crater on my Christmas List. Turns out, our client pulled out his account from the company and in the meantime, we are considerably unemployed.


My tower of money flashed before my very eyes as Rhae gave me the lowdown on this shit. You can imagine how heartbroken I was. I dunno which is the worst part, the fact that we are suddenly unemployed, the fact that I'm hearing that we are suddenly unemployed on a MONDAY or the fact that I'm hearing we are suddenly unemployed on a MONDAY, when DECEMBER is looming beyond the horizon!

Why am I so worried, you asked? Am I not used to go "floating" down the abyss until I fade into obscurity, you asked? It's because unlike Iweb, if we go floating, we don't get paid. At all. That's right, here in Sin Cubicle City, floating is equivalent to getting the proverbial ax, minus the will-blacklist-yo-shit-up part.

Thing was, I have so many plans that included loads of hard-earned moolah for the days ahead and make no mistake, I'm talking about something long-term here


... and this happened. Hrrr... being plunged face-first into poverty does nothing to my already frayed nerves!

So in the next few days, we are expected to do "auditions" for prospective clients, something I'm not comfortable doing mainly because I abhor the idea of competing for a single spot. Especially if I have to compete against friends. Rhae said she doesn't see it as a competition in any way however, I feel like it is. It's no different from any other competition where the best are picked from the fray and the losers to rot in Satan's shitter. It's just like that and the idea just makes me sad about the whole sordid affair. Plus, I'm least likely to qualify for the spot which scares the living shit out of me. Making porn site revs was never my strongest suit.

Anyhoots. I heard something from the grapevine. It seems the company already scored a client that is in dire need of writers. It's just a rumor but hopefully it's true. And hopefully we all get hired so we don't have to audition for anything anymore.

Another thing that was the subject of my dismay is that I will not be able to attend our Christmas party. Although I wasn't too psyched about the shindig to begin with, I like the idea of having the option to not attend instead of having no choice but to not attend the party, you know?

See, my baby bro is coming here in the metro and the day we are gonna head back north falls on the day of the party. PLUS, my sister refused my suggestion that she go ahead without me so that I could attend the party. I'm bummed over it because if anything, I was looking forward on hunting down a new dress to wear. Also, I wanted to celebrate the fact that 2008 is about to be over.

Seriously, I'm not sorry that this year is just about over. It's like, this year will go down my personal history as the year where I got embroiled from one mishap to the next and I wish 2009 would hurry the fuck up. 'Course, one smartass would say the year has nothing to do with it and to that I say, go fuck yourself.

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