Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rockin' The Shores and such...

I'm pretty stoked. Good things have been finding their way to me. First off, I'll be heading to Boracay for a much-needed vacation! The great thing about this is that I don't have to spend a dime! Well, almost. But that's not the point. The point is that I need to re-charge and the timing for this trip is purrr-fect!

All hail, Paradise!

Also, That Boy jump started the week with 5 leche flans. Awww... Mind you, I tasted better shit than that flans however, I am a firm believer of the old saying "it's the thought that counts" and with five flans to share with friends, those are shitload of thoughts, if you ask me.

That Boy also started befriending my friends, Rhae in particular. He even talks to her on IM and even asked for her number. It's really strange, really. Last week I resolved to put a stop into this schiz but somehow I either get talked out of it or I get too damn flattered. Yeah, who says only men have big egos?

Also, That Boy cleared the air with the only withstanding issue I wouldn't touch with a thirty-foot pole, he's now single and ready to mingle. He found a creative way of breaking the news to me yesterday. But I shouldn't be surprised because it was only a matter of time before somebody has to say something about the issue.

I feel a little guilty, actually. He firmly said (to Rhae) that I had nothing to do with the break-up, but something tells me he's not about to cry buckets over the break-up. Anyhoots, I have mixed feelings about the whole thing (like always) because A) I'm still not sure what I feel about him but also there's B) I like the feeling that someone actually cares about me other than my lovely friends, wretched creatures that they are.

So until then I'll let him feed Rhae and the gang while I'll let my already bloated ego soak up some more uh... bloating material?

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