Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hilarity and the City

Despite my reservations with regards to going back to ol' cubicle land, I still went ahead as planned (I'm blaming my dad) and hated every nano-second of it. Firstly, I met up with an old office mate of mine because I haven't seen her since I left the city. It was great, however, from  what I gathered, things are not looking up in the office. There were tales of our bosses turning into a couple of Nazis overnight, of sordid LQs, unreasonable new rules and generally grabbing everyone's balls and squeezing it using a vice grip. Okay, I made the last bit up. It was bad and everyone are pissed at the infidels bosses. As mean as it sounds, the situation made me feel smug and relieved because everyone's miserable and not just me, bwahahahahha!

When I finally decided to report to our office, my boss made me wait for three fucking hours. Yes, same old, as always. Things picked up pace when she finally able to drag her ass to the office to sign my resignation letter.

There was actually a pretty hilarious moment that happened during our conversation. She oh-so-subtly said something about scoring me with a new writing gig. The bad news was that the payout would be much lower as compared to my old fee. After she said her piece, she gave me an expectant look. We literally looked each other in the eye for maybe three or four seconds without saying anything.

My god, she actually thought I'll go back to work with that flimsy spiel of hers! It was so hilariously insulting that it took a Herculean effort not to open my mouth and say something totally douchebag-ish. I wanted to shout out something like "Are you fucking kidding me?!" Let me tell you something, if you are coaxing a resigned employee to go back to the work force, you have to make sure you are giving her a offer she won't be able to refuse. It still surprises me how some people can be this thick, ya know?

After that, I heard so many bad things from my ex-officemates. One friend of mine literally said that my boss is the fricken devil. Wow. Everybody was looking up Jobstreet in hopes to find a better company to work for, it's that deprave. It makes me glad that I bailed out just in time for that kind of scenario.

As much fun as it was, hearing all the dirt being dished out, I can't help but feel dismayed because nobody's doing anything about it except to sing the same old song. I remember my sister saying something once, "If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen" Everyone's harps on and on and yet they still continue to work in that god-forsaken place.

One officemate  told me that quitting work for these folks aren't as easy as I think because most of them are bread winners. She's right, to a certain extent. I've always been a firm believer that everyone has a choice. We can't resign ourselves to mediocrity and expect glory nor fulfillment. We make excuses for so many things when we know deep down it ain't right, we keep holding on to something that are worth squat just because we are afraid of changes, of not meeting people's expectations, of challenging ourselves. It's ridiculous. You can't have your cake and eat it too, yo.

Earlier that day, I had a job interview somewhere in Makati. There wasn't anything remotely interesting with the interview. I guess it's because I tried my damnedest to tone down the chatterbox lest I start talking about things I shouldn't. The whole thing was cordial, awkward and uneventful, just the way I like my job interviews, heheheh.

Ah.. yes, and Valentines came and went without delay. As always, I didn't have a date. That's okay though. I spent my time with my sister shopping and stuffing our faces with foodstuff before leaving the city. It was awesome. Except my stomach is soooo ginormous now. I'm zoooo fat, it makes me sick just thinking about it.

Currently I'm back here in my hometown, counting cars, hahaha! I couldn't believe how homesick I was when I got back from the metro! Honestly, I'm beginning to sink deeper and deeper into the whole lazy sub-urban kind of life and it scares the living shit outta me. So much so that I decided that I should give myself a little motivation so that I'll have the strength to leave home and start earning moolahs. I decided to give mysefl a deadline. By December I must have a new laptop. Preferably an Inspiron or an iMac. I'd be damned if I start feeling that mundanity is actually cool.

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