Monday, February 9, 2009


I was surprised to receive a message from the ex-boss telling me that I needed to report to the office later that evening.

Bitch please.

It's such a tradegy that even now that the economy is on the verge of a meltdown, they still can't grasp the concept of giving one employee, whether ex or not, a few days notice before suddenly demanding for an audience.

Also, it appears they didn't take the whole I'm-Resigning-Fuck-You as seriously as I hoped.  Admittedly, I didn't handle the whole thing properly. Instead of formally writing letter, I opted to act childishly out of indignation and anger i.e. tendering my resignation out of the blue. That's why I felt that instead of taking cue from them i.e. making people stop working with not as much as a few days' notice, I must go back, tie some loose ends by dropping by to the office this week. If things won't be as clear, I'll have to bring hardcopies of my resignation letter. I'm pretty sure by then they'll take the whole thing seriously.

The next day, an ex-officemate of mine also sent word that things in the office aren't as peachy as I thought. She said something about being not allowed to sleep, not allowed to surf streaming sites and shit like that. It was sad and I was dismayed. Okay, I'm lying. I can't help but feel totally indifferent over the whole sordid affair because I've been far away so long that I couldn't care less. Am I being mean? Nah, I think it's just part of the whole moving on process.

God. I sincerely does not want to be back in the city. I'm so not looking forward to it at all because I'm suddenly fat and lazy, hahaha!

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