Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Shitty Day of Epic Proportion

Woke up with a headache, the kind that rams your consciousness awake and where every sound sounds like fingernails scratching a black board. This day is shaping up to be one fucking shitty day. Also, I was late for an hour trying to scour my village for a drug store that is open at 6 in the fucking morning. Nothing worse than a walking around the muddy streets of Stella Mariz, Pasig in a barely awake stupor with a throbbing head at 6 in the fucking morning, lemme tell you that.

Jeeezzuzzz H. Chriiiiitsss!!! DUH PEEEEYYN!!!

I also had to force myself to eat some tasteless wafers before hitting Tylenol and Ponstan. I don't do breakfast for a long time now so my appetite in the morning is always next to nil.

I supposed I should be getting used to having these kinds of illness. I've been dealing with headaches for as long as I can remember. To ignore the pain in my head, I made a mental list of the kinds of headaches I suffered for the past ten years.

Little Headaches- The kind that I can usually get rid by sleeping it off or ignoring it completely. Also signals the need to replace my lenses or get my eyes checked.

Caffeine Headaches- By far the only avoidable headache I ever experienced. See, I've been drinking coffee since I was more or less, 7 years old. I'm totally depended on caffeine and I'm not even gonna deny it. Painkillers does nothing to remedy a full blown caffeine headache but this can be avoided as long as your daily intake of yummy coffee is never delayed. EVER.

Bone-shattering Hormonal Headache- This is the headache that woke me up today. More painful than a migraine but without the usual symptoms like, temporary blindness and shit like that. Cannot be slept off even if you try. The only solution is to either throw up last night's fillet mignon steak or drown yourself silly on Ibuprofen, the latter sounded nicer and less disgusting.

Migraine- The only headache that can render you useless in an hour or less. Usual symptoms includes temporary blindness, sensitivity to both bright lights and noise, nausea, loss of sensation on limbs, disorientation and generally screwing up your life for a whole day and making you useless at the same time. No meds for this bastard, usually I just hole myself up in a dark corner where there's minimal exposure to both light and sound, drink a pill of anti-histamine and wait for a dreamless sleep. Kinda like a vampire only with a painful head and no fangs.

Hey, life ain't all peaches and cream so I can't really complain. After all, I'd rather suffer migraines every now and then than say, suffer from epileptic seizures.So yeah, I'm thankful to be only suffering this little.

Twitching and drooling by the side of the road is NOT cool.

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