Sunday, May 24, 2009

Same Old

First off, I got the old-new laptop. So far it’s been great! Its way prettier than I remembered and it’s been working like a dream. Hopefully the whole broke-without-any-reason-whatsoever won’t happen again. God knows I need a break.

Speaking of which, the night job told me I’m on a break. I wasn’t really surprised about that knowing my client was displeased with my work. Out of anger, I wrote a very cryptic entry about it. So here’s the longer version. My boss showed me an email regarding my performance. It wasn’t pretty. My client is blaming me for all of the delays we’ve been having. Actually I wasn’t even aware that things are getting delayed so that comment really threw me off. I thought they were just pooling all content until I was done with everything on the list.

Also, the editor, whom I think was the real reason I’m on a break, said something about him taking too long to edit out every descriptions. That one was a bit hard to swallow knowing most of my writer friends can edit a 1,500 word essay in less than two hours. He’s a “professional” and it takes him all day to edit 23 200 characters-long descriptions? Really?

It’s funny how I got blamed for everything when they didn’t even instruct me on how we are gonna do this. Is there a definite time frame for the descriptions? Do we have to work on a system or is there a particular system that we can work on, for things to go as smoothly and efficiently as possible? Nothing.

So, I dunno.

Granted, I’m not completely blameless on the whole ordeal. In fact, I admitted to the bosses that yes, I’m not the most awesome writer in the whole wide universe. My work needs editing and I suck at editing my own work. It’s been a problem in the past and I recognize the need to be extra-vigilant when it comes to the subject-verb agreement thing. The adjustments I made were extreme and it did affect my work. I was unhappy, reckless and indifferent.

I knew all that and I was working on it.

My boss, for his part, decided on a new tactic to please my client. He had my immediate supervisor proof-read and edit my work before I submit it to the editor. It was a great plan, in theory. Coupled with my extra-vigilance and her not being much of a "professional" editor, it was a bit of a disaster. The right ones went wrong and the wrong ones... well, you get the picture. It’s not her fault because it’s not exactly one of her expertise. I didn’t have the heart to tell her about it knowing she’s got gazillion other things going on. Besides, I knew the account’s gonna slip away from my hands and for my part, I wasn’t really thrilled at the prospect of working with my would-be ex client for a damn year.

So there, my supervisor said I’ll be on an indefinite break. Now where have I heard that one before? Hahaha! The funny part was I actually felt relieved. Like a cloud just lifted. You see, I’ve been thinking about quitting work but I just couldn’t because of the whole bond-thing. Now it seems I don’t have to shell out 20 grand for a way out. Don’t get me wrong, I feel bad that my cash cow’s gonna go away but I’m not exactly crying buckets over the whole sordid thing. Sure, my ego got bruised quite a bit but I’m just glad it’s all over.

Right now, they haven’t sent word or anything so I’m sort of in a technically-still-employed-but-close-to-being-jobless-again kind of limbo. Apparently, it’s a new fad I unwittingly started, harhar. Right now I'm still weighing my options. Shall I start looking for a new job or should I just continue haunting everyone here in my hometown? Hmm...

Lastly, I attended Kris’ despedida party held at an old haunt in Tomas Morato. It was a pretty intimate affair. Only a handful of friends were present. I was dreadfully sick that night but I was glad that I made it to her send-off party. We wrapped things up well past 4 in the morning. Hay, how time flies. Hopefully she gets settled there quickly. Bon Voyage, Krissy dear! Muah!

* There was an error with the last entry I made regarding the AI8 100 million votes. Turns out, it was the totality of the votes and not  of Kris' alone. Whoops, churi. But you gotta admit that dude had us fooled, yo.

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