Friday, May 22, 2009

The Who Knew Round-up

Yesterday, my sister told me Kris Allen won this season's AI.


Of course, everyone thinks it's one hugeass upset. I think so too. During the early days of AI8, I immediately saw a Lambert-Gokey face off. Imagine my surprise when, out of nowhere, he got edged out by Allen to the semi-finals. Didn't even bother watching the damn show after that. Hello, Gokey is so cute, it's impossible for him to lose.

Well, he did. Boo.

After that sordid affair, I thought Lambert would win hands down. Hell, he can win that contest with his guylinered eyes closed, his lips stapled and his hands tied down behind a fire hydrant.

But as it turns out, Allen had a landslide win. Dude got 100 million votes. 100 million votes. It's astounding to think that all this time, Allen had us fooled. Lambert was the real underdog and not him. Who knew, right? Methinks America chose Backstreet Boys over Freddy Mercury.

However, there must be something in Allen that we biased folks aren't seeing (i.e. Lambert's questionable sexuality). I feel sort of bad for Allen though. Everywhere he goes, people say they can't believe he won.

Case to point: Ryan Seacrest said it was the biggest upset in AI history.

(Fuck you, the whole Bo Bice-Carrie Underwood face off was the biggest upset for me hihihiihih in AI history)

I just watched The Tonight Show and Leno kept rubbing the whole "Were-you-surprised-that-you-won-cuz-Lambert-rocked-the-shiznit-outta-everyone-all-fucken-season-yo" in his face. Kris, looking visibly tired from lack of sleep, was gracious enough to say that yeah, Lambert deserved to win and that he was very much surprised that he won instead. What, people think he's not good enough to win?

Tsktsk. Poor guy. He won fair and square, let it go.

On a totally unrelated note, Swine flu arrived on the Pelepens shore a few days ago. A ten-year-old girl from the U.S. tested positive for the swine flu virus. As sad as it is, I distinctively recall hearing something about how adults, specifically people ages 25-45, are the ones who are likely to die from the virus and not kids. Why, if I remember it correctly, the first victim of the swine flu in Mexico, a 6-year-old boy, completely recovered while his neighbors died from it. Strange how a kid's immune system works, harhar. At the present, the 10-year-old girl is recovering beautifully.

I think I'm coming down with the sniffles too.

Lastly, the third installment of the now-infamous Hayden Camera files finally made the rounds on the net. This time, Katrina ain't doing anything remotely close to juggling glow balls. Ibang balls na, ahahah! Geddit? Geddit? Glow balls? Hayden's... oh, never mind. So yeah, they 69ed and all that jazz. Do I feel sorry for for her? Erm... not really. First off, it was obvious from the first two Hayden Camera files that her boy toy had the tendency to whip out the camera and record anything at any given moment. She should've seen that one coming. Second, never trust a cheater. Especially a cute one with a PhD.

Tsktsk. A guy that good-looking turns out to be a serial sex offender. Who knew?

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