Monday, March 29, 2010

Opening A Can Of Whoopass

I sorta ran into trouble with someone this morning that totally cost me a hefty paycheck. Just when I thought I was opening a can of whoopass, igh! I have to start learning how to play my cards right, hay.

So... since my friend/ex-office mate became my neighbor I have inadvertently opened my home for other  people as well. While it is nice to socialize and stuff, I'm not used to the new set up. In addition to that, my sister started complaining that this friend of mine if invading her space. Of course, I wanted to make the guy feel as welcome as possible because I want to be a good neighbor and we have known each other for a while.

However, I do feel that certain lines have to be drawn. One particular incident that triggered my sister's ire was when the guy let himself in to our house when I was not around (I was brushing my teeth somewhere while my sister was watching in the living room) without even asking my sister if he can come in. She told me about it and I was kind of  pissed about it as well.

When I told the guy about the vacancy, I knew there's going to be some changes once he moves in with his family but I didn't really think I'd have to open the doors to my own apartment as well. One of the reason why I rarely tell people I know where I live is that I value my space so much, I cannot risk anyone dropping by unannounced. And now, to have a guy spring up to our doorstep at odd hours, it really annoys me.

I have been thinking of ways how to confront him about it. Of course, confrontation often leads to animosity and I really don't want to mess this up because he is a genuinely nice guy and in his mind, he is not doing anything wrong.  But I really have no idea how to tell him to stop showing up at my place like it's a goddamned coffee shop. I don't show up at his place, I don't see why he can't at least ask if he can come in.

The fact is, my apartment can get stuffy at times and let's just say I often look like a greasy swamp rat when I'm at home. I never looked presentable when I'm inside my goddamned apartment and I do not want to make an effort to look decent at all, you know? Basically, I want to be alone, grease and all, I do not like to be disturbed and I don't want anyone seeing me in my natural habitat. Is that so bad?


I'm in such a pickle.

Oh. I almost forgot, I heard we'd be seeing a blue moon tonight, awesome!

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