Sunday, April 25, 2010

Weekend Conversations

Last weekend, I have been spending my time with cousins from both sides of the family. Because I crashed in on my cousin's house for the weekend in Tarlac, I witnessed how they normally spend their time, which is mostly eating out. So there, they pig out on various take-outs all weekend long and I am ashamed to admit that I partook in this habit of theirs.

Of course, being home in the province meant my mom started convincing me to reconcile with my father. I won't go into details but let's just say I nipped that idea right at the bud.

When I got back here in the city, I was invited by cousins from my father's side for a rare get-together. My younger cousin, JM,  just got back here in the PH for a short vacation and he wanted to catch up with everyone. Talking to him, I am so proud that he turn out to be a much better person than I expected. He has the level of maturity even I can only dream of. I guess, that maturity is borne out of a difficult childhood that most cousins from the father's side of the family are all too familiar with (the infamous Lee syndrome). If there is one thing we all had in common, it is that we all had to put up with our overbearing fathers. Surprisingly, even the most goofy cousin I had shared the same experience. Needless to say, the conversation always turns to serious stuff though we try to laugh everything off.

JM wanted to do something in order to patch things up between my father and I (which is sweet of him). While I did say I was open to a reconciliation, it would be a cold day in hell before I would make the first move. I'm not saying I'm absolutely faultless in our rift but I sure as hell did not do anything wrong initially. He said he might drop by my parents' house and talk my father into reconciling but I very much doubt my father would admit that most of it was his fault. It's quite admirable to see someone this young  be this mature. My sister and I were quite impressed. He looks so much like his dad but he surely takes after his mom.

It was nice talking to them and being openly honest about what happened. There is only a handful of people who I talk to about the issue and most of them could not really relate. It's quite refreshing to know that I was in the company of those that can, you know?

One positive thing that resulted from our collective tough childhood is that we turned out to be more well-rounded than others. We may have been scarred for life but I'm positive that the experience made each one of us a better person.

Oh, believe me, I could've turned out much worse than this :D

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