Friday, August 17, 2007

The Screw-Up Slacker

*For lack of better things to do, (and the fact that the fucking video of Rosch and Jumai won't fucking upload and has tested my patience far more than any real person ever did. The vid's gonna be on Monday) I'll be sharing a gem of a convo between me and my boss. I keep reading Jeo's blogs about The Sordid Ones and I gotta say he's the inspiration behind this. Tootles!

My boss is as you all know, a wise-cracking white guy. You probably see him prancing around the HB area and farting like there's no tomorrow one time or another. In this particular incident, he caught me scoping out Perez at 10 in the morning. If catching me not doing my job isn't bad enough:

Boss: Tina, have you introduced Meg as our new CJ writer at SickSite News?

Tina: Ummm... no.

Boss: Why is that?

Tina: Ummm... (thinks of a good excuse for 5 seconds) I don't like her.

Boss: I'm sorry?

Tina: I don't like her, she's boring.

Boss: Oh. Really?

Tina: Yeah, Dave is good though.

Boss: ... Yeah. I heard Kurt is a hilarious guy too. What do you think?

Tina: Yeah, I like them both.

Boss: Umm... okay. Just introduce Meg today okay?

Tina: Okay. (Mentally smacks her forehead)

In my defense, part of what I said is true. She bores me to tears and I hate her because as a writer, she sucks donkey balls. If you don't believe me, CLICK HERE YOU DORK! But that's not really a good excuse, is it? The real reason was I totally forgot to do it because I was too busy checking out what kind of trouble Lindsay Lohan got herself into at the moment. Maybe next time I should just shut the fuck up and admit I screwed up, yeah?

Stupid cunt. Makin' me look bad. I jest, I jest!

1 comment:

  1. haha way to go tina!!!fuut!!!!!!=p glen gleng magalibi ahihihihi..=p
