Tuesday, August 14, 2007

So It Ends: We Owe It All To Stephen King

I was reading a book last Sunday that (unknowingly then) would eventually put an end to a long-standing civil “war” (honestly, war would be an exaggeration but I'm quoting Rene on this so bleah) between me and a couple of old friends. The book is obviously by Stephen King (given by my sister because she knows how I love gore and the likes) I was already reading two books prior to that one (The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and Strange Highways by Dean Koontz) but I am quite entertained by It, I couldn't help but finish the damned thing. I mean, look at that handsome fellow below! That face, that eyes! You can't help but fall!
I see You, Bitches!

The book played a major part on ending some shit I've been through simply because of the plot. The story is about 7 childhood friends who, in order to fight a faceless monster (I'm saying faceless because he's a shape-shifting motherfucker) must rediscover their past, fulfill a childhood promise and re-connect with old friends.

You know how it is when you read a book, in your head you visualize the story, trying to breathe life on every scenes? How you would imagine what every character is like? Well that strange Sunday, it's funny how I realized I was reading a book but my mind kinda drifted off to other pressing matters. Without meaning to, it made me feel tired about all these shit (notice how vague I am all of a sudden?)

Well, you can say I took a long hard look over the past and beyond being pissed, it got me thinking and I daresay, even got me sad. Everything was wrong on so many levels. Wrong and boring. I just got tired of it. I can choose to ignore some issues but it appears, the feud shalt noth be ignored.

Could it be I'm turning into a softie?! Could be. The book put some things into perspective and made me see the error of my ways. It bothered me enough that I pulled a rain check on Mr. King and (through the wonders of technology) messaged a couple of friends and vowed to fix whatever it is that needed to be fixed. Well as it turns out, I can say everything is totally peachy on this side of the road. Finally, I caught a break!

One thing I wanted to clear up is that I was never sorry for all the things I did back then, the feelings I had towards the thing we had a problem with, was real. What I 'm sorry for is my refusal to hear you guys out. Being a stubborn ass that I am, I had no plans whatsoever to fix it, frankly. But when we got to talk about it, we didn't actually explain each other's side. By this time, I knew it's pointless to even talk about it. I guess because we all knew some things should be left unsaid.

It was more like, “So, what were you up to the time when we weren't speaking to each other” thing. Conversations flowed easily which is kinda reminiscent of that old familiar feeling you get wearing a nice comfy sneakers you haven't worn in years but couldn't bring yourself to throw away (nice scratches, scuffs here and there, worn-out beyond repair, but fits you like a glove)

From taking a bus ride to Cebu to boners. Y'know, the usual. The good news is, it's officially over. Incidentally, the guys were planning a little Antipolo get-together a few weeks from now, and I'm beyond excited.

It'll be an honor seeing them shit-faced again, wahahahhah!


  1. tina! happy! happy! happy! alas! =P love you all! mwah! mwah! labas ulit tayo! -- edce (wala akong acct d2 e, kaya anonymous na lang.. wag mong iddelete ha!)

  2. c stephen king lang pla ktapat mo intsik! wahhah! labshu tina lee! =P

  3. Oh look, it's my future lawyer friend Macey Beybeh! You miserable little twit! Bumisita ka dito madami akong kwento! Muah! Muah! Muah! Misshhhuuuu!!!!

  4. so papakalango nnman kayo?? sayang! we had an agreement na next time itatali k na namen so ikaw nman ang makita nameng lasing! madaya! madaya!
    guys! dapat me bangag pic tong si intsik ha!

  5. Only God Can Judge MeAugust 21, 2007 at 2:17 AM

    Wahahaheheheheh!!! Bangag pics kayo jan, bwahahahahahhah!
