Monday, August 31, 2009


I had a very sobering e-mail from the boss which says he is upping up the quota from two to eight (400 words minimum, 600 words maximum), hinting that it is bound to go higher in the coming days. Well. That was so not cool. The task is quite doable perhaps if I start staring in-front of my laptop all day every day without eating or drinking. That and I am to pee on a cup.

The great thing about working with previous bosses who are pretty much a bunch of slave drivers is that I have a pretty good guess on what I can and cannot do. I'm fully aware of my own limits and this new quota is pushing it. At first I talked to my old mentor, who is pretty much an expert on this thing and asked her how many can she do in a day's work to which she said 20-40 words, 20 articles a day. I didn't do the math (because my brain won't stand for it especially at 9 in the morning) but it sounded less stringent than my quota. She echoed the same sentiments... the quota is too damn much. It's something that is not possible even if you are working in an office.

Good thing the boss was online and we ironed out this kink faster than ever (without any of us getting the wrong drift and fighting, which seems to be the case ever so often) It's now on a much reasonable five articles which is still huge but I'll take it anyway. God, that was close. I really thought he was going to fire me.

Oddly enough, I was at peace with that thought.

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