Monday, October 8, 2007

Filipino Convicts: To The Tune Of Que Rico Mambo

I was supposed to write about me, spending the weekend plowing through a traditional 12- course meal somewhere in the Manila area (yes you read that right 12 fucking course... If anyone is interested to know: I fucking survived it, bitches! 3 soups, 3 desserts and 6 main courses (?) later, I'm still standing) It's one of the many fun things about being a half-breed (ampao, tikoy and Peking Duck). Well, it was fun while it lasted. There were however, a few fleeting moments where I felt I'm about to barf if poked in the wrong way but thank God I managed to keep my shit together and I, once again, stands victorious! That story would've been fun, no?

But then I chanced upon this and wouldn't you know it, I ditched all efforts to dish out my mind-numbing story.

Oh, hell no. The convicts are at it again. This time dancing to the tune of "Que Rico Mambo". No, I kid you not. I repeat: to the tune of "Que Rico Mambo" You can't make up this kind of schiz, y'know. Don't let me interrupt.

It's silly, it's impressive and it's... mind-boggling. It makes you want to go to the Philippines and commit crime, no? I jest, I jest!


  1. Hey, there Tina (is it?)
    I just came across your blog and I love ... love... LOVE your design!

    I'm looking to start up a new blog and I'm looking for designs/templates to customize.

    Anyway, have you ever thought about getting into stand-up comedy? You see the character type. And there are very few women in comedy---we need MORE!! (Oh, btw, I'm a stand-up comedienne in NYC. That's why I ask.)

    Well, I hope to hear back from you soon! I couldn't find an email address, less I would have sent you one!

  2. Only God Can Judge MeOctober 11, 2007 at 2:46 AM

    Wawness... You hear that people? I'm funny! I'm funny, I tell you! Funny! Lucy, thanks for the kind note I left something on your blog heeeheeeheee

  3. girl with a pearl earringOctober 11, 2007 at 6:05 PM

    antaray ng bakla!!! makikita na ba kita sa strip ng e.rod pag may shows ka na? lol

    go tina woooo!!! =)

  4. Only God Can Judge MeOctober 15, 2007 at 3:42 AM

    Hahaha! Malapit na din akong makaka-okray ng mga suot ng costumers if ever, hahahahh!
