Thursday, February 28, 2008

The German Connection

Last night I joined a couple of my writer friends to have a "5 minute" meeting with the German guy (who, by the way, wants to be called Norwegian guy instead so we'll call him The Guy Formerly known as German) but before that, I had a lively dinner with my other friends, devouring junk foods while making fun of each other's fuck-ups. Classic Alaskahan and Laglagan 2008.

Initially, we'll we were all planning on a easy-breezy, touch and go kinda meeting with The Guy Formerly known as German, but somewhere along the way, something must've happened cuz 5 minutes turned into at least an hour and a half.

Frankly I have no business being there cuz earlier that day I have officially severed my connection with The Guy Formerly known as German, so I was thinking that it would be improper of me to show up in their "meeting" but Hannah asked real nice (by real nice, I meant, dragged me and threatened me and my kin) to join 'em and even The Guy Formerly known as German invited me as well so...

I must say I do enjoy my brief interactions with The Guy Formerly known as German and we had a very interesting discussion ranging from former teeny-bopper stars he knew to quitting the bad habit. Overall, it was a light-hearted booze-fueled (at least in Benny and The Guy Formerly known as German's case) meeting. Aside from being elbowed on the head by a Congo grill staff, thank God nothing embarrassing happened this time.

Now, although the German connection is officially dead as a doornail, something tells me I might not have seen the last of The Guy Formerly known as German.

On a totally unrelated subject, tomorrow I shall bid my braces good-bye! Sweet! But I'll be stuck wearing retainers for 6 months which would make me look dorkier than usual but I'm still stoked!


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