Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ode to ze iPod... sort of.

So... I busted my iPod the other day. I didn't even know what the fuck happened, I've had for 8 months and I don't think I did anything to make it die like this. One moment it was working fine and dandy then suddenly, it stopped being okay. It would be the second iPod I busted in two years.

All I could do was, I gave my mobile phone an accusing look and said "Why can't it be you instead?" aloud. Yeah I like starting my day with a hefty dose of the crazies too, bitches.

Oh, how I miss you!

A trip to the Apple Center later, I was told that they're gonna replace it with a new one and I suppose I'm kinda glad I'm getting a brand spankin' new iPod.

I know some people are a bit disdainful with the iPod, I know some people who refuses to get one cuz they have the whole I-follow-no-fucking-trend or why-the-fucking-label bullshit in mind. Know what? Cut me some slack, man.

Never in my life have I found the perfect tool that could effectively limit my interactions with my fellow human beings and cut me off from the rest of the world and I love it.

Some may say that with the creation of portable mp3 players, comes the dramatic increase of apathetic people or schiz but I'm betting half my shopping money that the guys who came up with this bull are the same guys who claims to have seen the face of Jesus fucking Christ in the 70's when in reality they were just high from all the acid and pot. Bleah.

However, I'm not gonna say iPods are the best thing humankind ever came up with since the invention of the zippers because let's be real, the newer gen of iPods sucks donkeyballs. My nano barely made it a year and already it's busted for godknowhwhatreason. And don't get me started with the ridiculously expensive accessories that comes with it, there was a time when you can buy the old gen iPods and the charger comes with the package but now, they not only jacked-up the prices but they also excluded the stupid charger so getting one will cost you an extra 2 grand. It's fucked up, really.

But when I think about not having to listen to Chris Chuper's retarded banter every morning on love radio, not being forced to sit through another heart-wrenching "Just Once"and "King and Queen of Hearts" and generally not having to put up with other people's crap because this playlist ain't gonna listen to itself. It makes me stop and realize, it's worth it.

I'm not saying mp3 players are the holy grail, I'm just saying it made my life a better place to live in.

I suddenly missed Mang Elbis.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I second that! Hmm.... gawin ko nga ding hard disk yung luma kong mini para may silbi sha other than being a paper weight, hahaha!
